Letter to #myfutureself

Dear BHudg,

I trust this letter finds you alive.  If not, maybe they shot this into the stratosphere with fireworks made from our ashes.  If you are well, my wish is that science has been giving the freedom and encouragement from the public and a cure for our disease has made life a little more fun again.  But anyways, enough blabbering.  I've made a list of things for our dumb-ass self to never forget.  You know, we know, how important it is to keep perspective.  I assume you haven't grown up all that much, so here is a friendly reminder:

- Never forget why you are doing this.  Whatever this is now.  Remind yourself that you have chosen this path.  This path didn't choose you.  You had the easy way out so many times, but you chose the hard way because you saw the fun and potential it could bring if you managed to pull it off.  You committed, now follow it through.

- Don't forget to stop and breathe.  If I know you at all, it's easy to get caught up in the moment and the situations.  I know, I know, I know, some of the best times in the past were when you were going and flowing and didn't have to stop, but that was a younger, different you.  If you don't slow yourself down, you know what damage that can do.

- Keep moving forward.  You have come so far from the rock bottoms that you have hit.  You know all the work that it has taken to get to a level.  Don't undo it all.  It's not worth it.  I know you might falter or slip, but catch yourself, don't lay there, you are smarter than that.  Moving forward helps keep you focused, you know that.  Eye on the prize there champ.  You have handled some of the worst blows life can bring you, so don't let something small and stupid bring you down.  Maybe it is one or two steps backwards, but you keep it in check.

- I know you are in this to prove people wrong, so do it.  Quit complaining,  Shut up, nobody cares, so make them.  Don't make excuses, don't find ways out, don't let the circumstances get you down.  Whoever it is we are trying to prove wrong clearly still hasn't gotten the memo.  Head up, middle finger high in the air.  The bitterness of letting them win will always sting, so don't give up on anyone's terms but your own.

- Above all else, don't forget to trust yourself.  Self trust is the backbone of success.  Some of the best situations in your life came we stopped worrying and just trusted ourself to get it done.

If I know us, then I know that these issues will all be driving forces and possible pit falls.  If I also know us, I know that we are always learning.  Use that knowledge and work ethic to stay ahead of our major pitfalls.  If we can do that, then just maybe we will stand a chance at living a happy, fulfilling life.

Much Love,
